Wednesday 24 November 2010

San Diego Comic Con closes its registration - again

At 9am (Pacific Time) on 1st November 2010, San Diego Comic Con opened it Attendee registration. By 11am, it had closed. After two hours of error messages Comic Con admitted defeat from the 125,000+ fans trying to buy tickets, and announced that registration would open again at 6am (again, Pacific Time) on 22nd November. This time would allow them to fix the technical problems that occurred.
On the 22nd November, once again after two hours of opening, registration closed down, announcing “Once more, unfortunately, there have been issues with Comic-Con registration. So we have, again decided to close it down. We are well aware that many people have taken time from work, school or other activities and others woke up very early. There really is no way to convey our level regret for this turn of events. We are currently researching our registration options.”
A few people were able to make it to the final page of registration and apply for their ticket (myself included – although it’s already rumoured that these won’t be processed), but the majority of people were still facing error messages for over two hours. Many people gave up after an hour, having to head out to work/school/have a life but even those that remained, determinedly and repeatedly hitting the F5 key couldn’t pass the seven varieties of error messages that appeared. A T-shirt has already been designed displaying the most popular error message –

Full news feature can be found here

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